Hello Friends, My this blog is related to tell you all about Income Tax. Income Tax is tax on Income. Income includes salary, pension, business income, interest income etc. Taxes are the main source of Revenue to the Government which will be utilized for meeting the expenses of the government as well as to carry out development work. Taxes are of two kinds: Direct Taxes: Direct Taxes are taxes on income or profits which will be paid by the taxpayer to the Government directly e.g. Income Tax, Wealth Tax, Property Tax etc. Indirect Taxes: Indirect taxes are taxes on goods and services and is collected by someone else on your behalf and paid to the Government like theaters, restaurants etc. In India, Income Tax related Rules, Regulations, provisions, Slabs and Tax rates etc. are governs as per the Income Tax Act 1961 . Who can be Taxpayers? As per Income Tax Act , Income Tax will be paid by the following persons: Individual e.g. Ramesh, S...